Aesthetics in Your 50s and Up

Whether you’re looking to take your minimally invasive cosmetic procedure routine to the next level or want to dive into the market for the first time, patients over 50 can consider an array of surgical and non-surgical procedures at The MAC in Edmond, Oklahoma, that lift, firm, and tone the face and body with long-lasting results.


As the same aging processes of our 40s continues in our 50s, it’s important to note that menopause may amplify the signs for women. Changing estrogen levels may result in drier skin. The loss of collagen can lead to sagging skin along the jaw and around the eyes. And, years of sun exposure will also re-emerge as rough skin texture and sunspots.

skin laxity Changes

Along with wrinkles and fine lines, saggy skin is a primary concern for women in their 50s. This loss of definition can happen almost anywhere on the body, but the most common areas are the face, neck, abdomen, and arms. Sagging skin is caused by several factors, including thinning of the epidermis (the surface of the skin), collagen loss, and prolonged sun exposure.

In addition to incorporating an effective (and protective) skincare regimen, firming creams can also provide subtle differences in tightening up loose skin.

Body Changes

Nearly half of all women in their 50s and early 60s have experienced incontinence. Reduced levels of estrogen starting around menopause can cause thinning of the lining of the urethra, the short tube that passes urine from the bladder out of the body. The surrounding pelvic muscles also may weaken with aging, a process known as "pelvic relaxation." As a result, women at midlife and beyond are at increased risk for urinary incontinence, or the involuntary leakage of urine.

“I never think about age. I believe your age is totally how you feel. I’ve seen women of 35 who are old and people of 75 who are young. As long as I look after myself physically, mentally and emotionally, I’ll stay young.”

- Joan Collins

Popular Aesthetic Procedures in Your 50s


Microneedling treatments improve the overall tone, minimize sun spots, and promote collagen production for healthy, bright, smooth skin year round.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels increase skin tightening, brighten skin tone, and improve overall skin tone and texture.

neurotoxin injections

Treatments such as Jeuveau and Dysport treat fine lines and wrinkles most commonly in forehead lines, glabella lines, crow’s feet.


Facial fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, Sculptra, and Volbella can minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that begin to appear in the nasolabial folds, marionette grooves, lips, infraorbital/cheek, chin and jawline, and the temporal region. Filler in the under eye region helps minimize the appearance of dark circles, brightening your overall appearance.

Kybella Treatment

Kybella is an in-office treatment used for the reduction in fullness under the chin commonly referred to as a “double chin”. Kybella is a great non-invasive option for improvement of the double chin area and improving the jaw/chin area.


Popular Body Contouring Procedures in Your 50s


An in-office, outpatient procedure that removes excess fat in specific areas of the body and tightens the skin at the same time, resulting in immediate weight loss and a tighter, more toned region. This is also a great treatment for the reduction of extra skin and skin laxity of the abdominal area due to pregnancy and/or weight loss/gain.


An in-office, minimally invasive facial rejuvenation treatment that causes the targeted destruction of fat cells while also affecting collagen for immediately tighter skin.