Do’s and Dont’s of Laser Hair Removal
Kiss those razors goodbye!
By Jessica Cipriano, RN
Laser Hair removal is often put on the back burner as we focus our attention of our faces and and other anti-aging treatments, but we wanted to highlight why laser hair removal should be on nearly every patient’s treatment plan. Time. It’s something we never seem to have enough of. Laser Hair Removal literally gives you hours of your life back every single week.
Our Diolaze XL treats most skin types and is effective on any hair light brown or darker. In as little as 6 sessions you could have 80% or greater permanent hair reduction. It treats hair anywhere on the body as long as it is not white, gray, blonde, or red.
Make sure that you do not wax or pluck the hair in the treatment area for at least 6 weeks before your treatment. We want the dark root of the hair in the hair follicle for optimal treatment results.
Avoid tanning or spray tanning as this is competing pigment on the skin and lessens the contrast between the hair and the skin.
Shave the hair 24-48 hours before treatment so that the hair is not lying on top of the skin. This will make the treatment safer, more comfortable, and more effective.
If you have a history of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) also known as “cold sores” in the treatment area, make sure to take your prescribed antiviral medication.
Avoid direct sunlight to the treatment area as it is more sensitive to light immediately after treatment.
Avoid any irritation or friction for the first few days after treatment as the skin may be sensitive. This may include shaving, intercourse, scrubs, or acid containing products depending on the treatment area.
Avoid extremely hot showers and baths as the skin may be sensitive to heat as well.
Shedding of the treated hair may occur within the first couple of weeks after treatment. This is not new growth. Your provider will instruct you on how to determine when your hair is in an optimal growth cycle for treatment.